Harvest is proceeding at a fast pace. We have finished picking several varieties and have begun to pick Winesaps this past week. As we harvest Chespeakes, we will also continue to pick our Yellow Delicious. The variety of Yellow Delicious in our orchard is an early variety from Stark’s Brothers’ Nursery in Louisiana, Missouri, dating from the late 1920’s. It is considered a “Golden” delicious. This particular variety characteristically has the russeting appearance and freckles. Most consumers are familiar with the “smoothie” yellow apple and they are somewhat surprised at the taste. Our variety is seldom found in today’s orchards. Starks’ Brothers was the only nursery growing and marketing this apple in the late 1920’s.
At markets, we have offered Empire, Jonagold, McIntosh, Cortland, Mutsu, Red and Yellow Delicious, Northern Spy and Jonathon. It has been a pleasurable opportunity to meet so many new faces at market as well as selling our product to past patrons and friends. Most of our markets will continue until the end of October. We will have ample product available for sale at market and hope to continue to providing quality produce to our customers. Besides selling at Farmers’ Markets, we have been attending festivals and machinery shows in our area. If you miss buying from us at these locations, be sure to stop at our orchard location where we will be most happy to be of service to you.