Oldenburg and the area has experienced fall weather conditions with overnight temperatures in the 50’s over the last week. It was a nice break from the high humidity, and it looks like temperatures are climbing back into the 80’s this week. Apples are ripening, and picking, washing, and sorting are keeping everyone at the orchard busy.
We will be harvesting the following varieties which will be available for sale this week:
Jonathan, Grimes Golden, September Wonder (Early Fuji), and Daybreak Fuji. Spot picking of Golden Delicious will be dependent on the weather.
We still have a good inventory of Gala, Gingergold, Empire, Cortland, and McIntosh. Honeycrisp are still available but are moving quickly as they are a customer favorite.
Have you ever tried a Pixie Crunch or a Crimson Crisp? Pick some up while they are available. These are delicious apples that you cannot find readily in your local supermarket.
If you want to create a family Fall experiences, stop in at our U-Pik. In addition to picking, there are pre-picked apples, honey, jelly, and applesauce available for purchase. To make it an easier shopping experience, the U-Pik takes credit cards. The main orchard still only accepts cash.
See you at the Orchard! It is always a pleasure to meet new customers and friends and talk to returning ones as well!