It’s All About the Roots!

Our previous posts have had numerous references made to “rootstocks.”  What is rootstock and what role does rootstock play in an orchard planting?

Rootstock is basically what is underneath the ground or the roots of the tree.  It is the part of the apple tree that is below the grafted scion.  The rootstock works its way into the soil and sends nutrients to the rest of the tree encouraging growth and fruit development.  There are many varieties of rootstock available to growers, some more vigorous than others.  The type of rootstock determines the actual size of the apple tree.  Besides size, rootstocks also determine how soon a tree will produce fruit.  Apples have a greater variety of rootstocks than other fruits.  Most types of rootstocks available, but not all, were developed at research centers and universities.  Rootstocks are identified by a code of letters and numbers.

A general guideline for plantings of trees are standard, semi-dwarf and dwarf.  Standard trees have a strong, deep root system and grow very tall, about twenty-five (25) feet.  They grow seven (7) or more years before they produce fruit.  Semi-dwarf trees are more commonly used for backyards and commercial plantings.  This type of tree varies in height from fifty (50) percent to seventy-five (75) percent of the standard tree, usually fifteen (15) feet.  Dwarf trees can be used for landscaping purposes as well as fruit production.  This type of tree grows to about ten (10) feet but need special attention to promote proper growth and fruit production.

Our orchard has plantings of various types of rootstocks.  Over the years we have been satisfied with some types more than others.  It would be advantageous for us as a grower, if we could predetermine what rootstock would grow best in what area of the orchard.  However, it is a “trial and error” process as the topography in our orchard varies considerably.  This is just one of the challenges of growing fruit, nothing is the same and we learn something new every day.

Our next post will be a further explanation of the “standard” apple tree.  We continue to move forward with the winter pruning and look forward to attending the Horticultural Show in Indianapolis where we exchange ideas and learn new growing practices.


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2018 Winter Orchard Activities on Hold: It’s cold outside!

Old Man Winter has struck with a vengeance here in Southeastern Indiana.  This past week has been bitterly cold with ice and snow blanketing the orchards.  While the sun shining on the ice covered trees has created a captivating scene, outside work has been put on “hold.”

This inclement weather has, however, given us some extra time to catch up on some much needed maintenance and repair jobs.  Crates damaged during the harvest season were repaired and storage areas were reorganized.  Ladders were inspected and stored.  Oh, yes, we can’t forget about the accounting duties that were “back-burnered” during harvest. Continue reading

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As 2017 Ends, Preparing for 2018!

Our high density orchard after leaf fall.

First of all, we extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas.  As another calendar year draws to a close, it is good to reflect on the many aspects of a successful year.  Thank you again, our good customers and friends.  Continue reading

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Harvest for 2017 Winding Down

The past weeks have been spent in an all out effort to finish harvest before the change of weather.  October weather in Indiana is always unpredictable, thus the extra effort to finish the picking.  The Yellow/Golden Delicious apples have been harvested and taken to market as have the Black Twig Winesap, Chesapeake and Gold Rush.  The Gold Rush apple has become a “come back for” variety.  Somewhat new for our orchard, it has become a popular variety because of its long term storage capability.  Black Twig Winesaps could be considered “heirlooms” as this variety is a cross between the Stayman Winesap and Arkansas Black and not grown in all orchards.  Developed in the 1850’s, it mellows in storage and has a long shelf life.  Several of our customers refer to this apple as the “Christmas Apple”  because this is the time frame it develops its true flavor.  As of last weekend our visits to the local Farmers’ Markets are finished.  We will be taking apples yet to the White’s Farm Market in Brookville, Indiana this Wednesday.  After Wednesday, our inventory will be depleted to the point where we will close for the season.

Overall it has been a few good season for our orchard.  Challenges, yes, but nothing insurmountable.  If there wasn’t an opportunity for a visit to our orchard or to the markets this year, we certainly look forward to next year as we are already making plans for another apple season








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Apple Variety of the Week: Golden Delicious

Golden Delicious apples from our farm.

The Golden Delicious apple is our featured apple for the next several weeks.  Beautiful to behold in the orchard setting, it is flavorful and juicy.  Quite a delight to pick and just as delightful to eat out of hand, the Golden/Yellow Delicious apple is a much sought after variety by our customers at market.  When this  variety of apple ripens, it is  truly “golden” in color.  Not only awesome to eat fresh, the Golden/Yellow Delicious apple produces great results in home cooking and processing.   Whether it is used in an apple dumpling, canned pie filling, fresh pie or sauce, the Golden/Yellow Delicious delivers great results.  Sweeteners are not particularly needed and this is a plus for many who suffer from diabetes.  Some of our customers with touchy stomachs say that this is one variety of apple that they can digest without problems. Continue reading

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2017 Harvest is in full swing!

Harvest is in full swing.   Cooler overnight temperatures have given the apples a beautiful blush.  The next several weeks will be very busy with harvest and markets.  We enjoy meeting our regular customers and introducing ourselves to new ones at the markets and at our business.

The Gala apples have been picked and are being offered at our markets and at our business location.  Nothing quite like a Gala!  On to the Empire apples this week. Continue reading

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Apple of the week: Gingergold

A Gingergold apple.

We have opened the marketing season with the “Gingergold” apple. The Gingergold apple is one of the earliest yellow apple varieties to ripen in our orchard.  The fruit is conical in shape and starts out a very pale green, though if left on the tree it will ripen to a soft yellow w/slightly waxy appearance.  Primary usage is eating out of hand though it does make an awesome sauce, crisp and pie.  The flesh resits browning more than other early varieties.  The flavor is mild with a hint of tartness.

This apple variety has an interesting background.  The orchards of Clyde and Frances “Ginger” Harvey  were devastated by the flooding brought to Nelson County Virginia in 1969 by Hurricane Camille.  While assessing the damages to his orchard, Mr. Harvey recognized one tree among his Winesap varieties that was different.  Although planted with the Winesap it produced a yellow fruit, not red.  A local extension agent identified the parents as Golden Delicious, Albermale Pippin and another variety that remains unknown.  This new variety was named after Frances “Ginger” Harvey and was marketed as Gingergold.  A good discovery, as this has become an awesome variety and customers truly enjoy its unique flavor and versatility.

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2017 Market Schedule and Hours

We have established our business hours for the season. We plan to go to the following Farmers’ Markets on a weekly basis. Wednesday mornings from sunrise to lunch or until we sell out, we will be setting up at White’s Sales Barn in Brookville, Indiana. Fridays will find us at the south side of the town square in Greensburg, Indiana from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturdays we will be at North Vernon, Indiana from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m and at Batesville, Indiana from 8:00 a.m. until noon. Hours at our business location will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, 10:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Hopefully, these established hours will make it possible for our customers to purchase our products.

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Doll’s Orchard featured in The Herald Tribune

Our local newspaper, “The Herald Tribune,” recently ran a feature on our orchard operations. The author, Will Fehlinger, did a nice job covering our past, present, and future plans of the orchard. The article, titled “How ya’ like them apples” can be found here ( and was published on July 13th, 2017.

Thank you all for your continual support. Without customers, we wouldn’t be here.

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Family Heritage: Apple Farmers and Nurserymen

Interesting findings regarding our family heritage.  Maternal great grandparents of co-owner, Patty, developed an orchard about three miles southeast of our current location in 1888.  Receipts were found among family papers that documented the sale and shipment of trees from Sibenthaler Brothers Nursery of Dayton, Ohio.  Also included in these papers were shipping receipts and planting instructions from Brown Brothers of Chicago, Illinois dated the same time frame.  Interestingly enough, the planting instructions could be copied and used today as the methods are basically the same.  One main difference is the holes are now dug by machine while then all the holes for the tree plantings were made by hand digging.

Also, another great grandfather worked as a salesman for Kelley and Riley Nursery  in Alert, IN.  This great grandfather, John Tekulve, also grafted independently and sold this root stock from his own business location on his farm just east of Batesville, IN.  An advertisement from the local newspaper indicates that his nursery business, eleven thousand trees, was selling stock to local residents in 1890.  Older residents do recall his orchard which has now been developed into housing and business.

Interestingly and coincidentally, a grandson of the Doll family orchard married a great granddaughter of the Tekulve and Kleine family orchards and nursery and as a result another family is involved in this “growing” business.  Not just a business, but a continuation of a family heritage.

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