While we are still picking Gala, we have added McIntosh to the mix. McIntosh apples are classics in the apple world. A person who truly looks forward to the McIntosh seldom is satisfied with other varieties of apples. The McIntosh has a very thin skin, thus it bruises easily. Very hard to pick and packers find it a nightmare when packing for wholesale distribution. All that said, we have to agree that the McIntosh is an apple variety that is hard to match.
Its consistency is fine and while some think it is “too soft,” its unique flavor is its greatest asset. When cooking a McIntosh, the slice of the apple breaks apart and if it is sliced too thin, it will create a “saucey” pie or cobbler. My suggestion to appreciate the best of both worlds is to cut the slices thicker and then you can enjoy its awesome flavor as well as the consistency. Many of our customers use this variety to dry as the slight tartness is subtle and not overwhelming in their apple chips. Grocery stores do not always carry this variety in their inventory to offer to consumers because it is not a “quantity” selling item.
The McIntosh is truly a variety to sample just to experience its flavor. It’s been around for a long time and has a long history of satisfied users.