Follow the Directions

Safety issues in handling and application of pesticides is often left out of gardening books. Common sense is the rule when using chemicals, whether it is a man made chemical or organic material. A poison by any other name is still a poison and unintentional pesticide poisonings happen when materials are used without proper knowledge or protection. In our state it is necessary for the grower to pass a licensing exam and that license allows the grower to buy and apply toxic pesticides. When any grower, whether a commercial grower or backyard orchardist or home gardener, chooses to use toxic materials, these materials should be handled with care and respect.

Some common sense safety precautions important for all to follow:

  1. Read product label and understand what you’re using. Follow label directions carefully.
  2. Mix only amount of spray you’ll need for current application. If you have small amount left, give a heavier spray application. Exposure to the weather causes spray materials to break down naturally. Do not dump leftover spray in a concentrated spot on the ground or down a sewer.
  3. Store pesticides in a marked, locked cabinet out of the reach of children.
  4. Never put materials in something other than the original container.
  5. Spray only in calm weather conditions so spray doesn’t drift to neighbor’s property or harm pets.
  6. Dress properly when applying any chemicals. Wear long sleeves, pants and work shoes. Protective clothing such as rubber gloves, boots, respirator and face shield are strongly encouraged.
  7. Do not eat, drink or smoke while applying pesticides and wash hands thoroughly when finished.
  8. Dispose of containers properly. Follow all local recommendations in regard to their disposal (i. e. landfills).
  9. Follow recommended interval from last spray to time of harvest.

There should be no reluctance by the average consumer to use fresh fruits and vegetables produced by local growers. With common sense use and handling of chemicals, growers can produce fruits and vegetables that are safe to eat and beautiful to look at.

About Patty Doll

Owner, operator, picker, seller, customer service, and grass mower for Doll's Orchard, LLC.
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